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'FREE NEWS' 게시판 내 결과
  • Retro Style 4-Step Bubbles 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The Retro Style 4-Step Bubbles 무료ppt템플릿 Template is an eye-catching design of oval speech bubbles with four text bubbles. The shapes of speech bubbles give that extra boost to messages or quotes in the 무료ppt템플릿 or to describe a four step process or 심플한ppt템플릿. It comes in handy t…

    픽사베이 2021-07-23 03:20:01
  • 6 ppt파일 Circular Chevron Paper Effect 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The 6 ppt파일 Circular Chevron Paper Effect 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a multi-purpose 무료ppt템플릿 of flat vectors. pixabay.kr 피피티디자인 contains 5 ppt파일 variation of the chevron cycle diagram다이어그램. These 무료ppt테마 provide eve-catching color palettes, engaging for the audience. …

    픽셀 2021-07-21 03:20:01
  • 4 Arrows Core Concept 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The 4 Arrows Core Concept 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a 4 ppt파일 diagram다이어그램 of outward arrows. It is a multi-purpose 무료ppt템플릿 diagram다이어그램, designed with four diverging arrow shapes directing in 4 directions. powerpoint can use the diagram다이어그램 to discuss ppt템플릿 aspects of the core unit such as funct…

    마케터 2021-07-21 03:20:01
  • 5 ppt파일 Circular Chevron Paper Effect 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The 5 ppt파일 Circular Chevron Paper Effect 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a diagram다이어그램 for the process cycle. The template includes five colorful arrow shapes in a circular flow. These colors distinguish each part of the cycle. The subsequent 파워포인트 of circular chevron contain…

    모델 2021-07-17 03:20:02
  • MVP 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The MVP 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a 무료ppt템플릿 design containing a collection of useful diagram다이어그램s to create 무료ppt템플릿s on Minimum Viable Products. It includes several diagram다이어그램 lapowerpointts featuring the concept of a minimum viable product (MVP). The…

    택배사랑 2021-07-16 03:20:02
  • Next ppt파일 파워포인트 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The Next ppt파일 파워포인트 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a collection of process sequence diagram다이어그램s. These are creative diagram다이어그램 무료ppt테마 to 무료피피티테마 powerpoint with various situations where powerpoint have to describe subsequent moves. The 무료ppt템플릿 diagram다이어그램s are a combination of…

    부가서비스 2021-07-16 03:20:02
  • Next ppt파일 Sequence 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The Next ppt파일 Sequence 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a 4 ppt파일 diagram다이어그램 presenting a chain of actions. It is a horizontal sequence of processes where four circular icons represent four processes. The curved arrow lines display the flow and direction of processes. The next ppt파일 design c…

    마케터 2021-07-16 03:20:02
  • Next ppt파일 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The Next ppt파일 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a 4 ppt파일 process diagram다이어그램 that can be used to describe a series of ppt파일 in a business 무료ppt템플릿. The illustration of stairs shows a positive reinforcement timeline. A man climbing the stairs interprets many 무료ppt템플릿 ideas. powerpoint can …

    숨통트임 2021-07-16 03:20:02
  • 6 Elements 1 Goal 무료ppt템플릿 diagram다이어그램

    The 6 Elements 1 Goal 무료ppt템플릿 diagram다이어그램 is simple lapowerpointt design for goals 무료ppt템플릿. Six flat shapes around the circle display successful goal setting and achievements. powerpoint can take advantage of plain 무료ppt템플릿 파워포인트 for strategic planning and goal ppt파일 무료ppt템플릿s. This 6 st…

    강아지좋아 2021-07-16 03:20:02
  • Simple DNA Business diagram다이어그램 무료ppt템플릿 Template

    The Simple DNA Business diagram다이어그램 무료ppt템플릿 Template is a double helix chart that resembles a human DNA structure. A cell DNA defines the characteristics of a person. By using the double helix as a metaphor, powerpoint can describe organizational culture, capabilities, and values. The sha…

    하늘소 2021-07-16 03:20:02